UCL Msc Student Sreya Magar on her MSc Research Project with the Sumner Lab

Hi, I’m Sreya and I’m a MSci Zoology student in my final year. For my research project I am looking at the evolution of prey selection and life history traits in the Sphecidae family, working with Prof Seirian Sumner and Idris Adams. Specifically, I am looking at how life-history traits related to nesting behaviour interact and evolve with prey type selection. I’ve been reading lots of literature to create a dataset and then using PSVt (Phylogenetic Species Variability, taxonomic) and bipartite networks to look at prey specialism and generalism in the wasp species. Additionally, I’m using ancestral state reconstruction to identify switches in prey types across the phylogeny to determine which life history traits are correlated with prey type, shifts in prey type or prey specialism. As someone who is usually terrified of wasps (and most other insects!), this project has really been truly eye-opening. It has helped me appreciate wasps, not just as efficient hunters and skilled architects but also for their many unseen contributions to the natural world.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Sumner lab; everyone has been so friendly and supportive! I have especially loved the weekly lab meetings, learning about everyone else’s research, and having lots of interesting guests. It’s been a fantastic experience!