Dr Lewis Revely has comleted his PhD and now works with the Futures, Foresight and Emerging Technologies group in the Government Office for Science.
Position: PhD Student
Project: Mechanisms and Evolution of Phenotypic Plasticity in Social Insects
Research Interests: Social evolution and sociogenomics of termites. Particularly interested in the variation in developmental plasticity across both phenotypes and species within termites across all levels of social complexity.
2018 – Present: PhD Candidate, University College London
2014 – 2017: BA Biological Sciences, University of Oxford
Revely, L., Sumner, S. and Eggleton, P., 2021. The plasticity and developmental potential of termites. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, p.552624. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.552624
E-mail: lewis.revely.18@ucl.ac.uk
Twitter: @LewisRevely